We believe the purpose of a local church is threefold: to exalt the Saviour, to edify the believer, and to evangelize the sinner.
We want to introduce this lost and dying world to their greatest need: forgiveness of sin and a restored fellowship with their Creator. And we want to equip other Christians to be able to do the same.
Our Sunday School hour consists of a personal discipleship course for the Christian. The worship hour is dedicated to preaching the word of God to challenge our hearts and intellect. Sunday night service is a time for questions and Bible answers. During our Wednesday meeting, we study the Bible verse by verse, currently going through the book of Ephesians.
In addition, we have monthly men’s breakfasts and ladies’ fellowships. The pastor holds weekly Bible Institute classes. Several of the men who graduated this Bible Institute in Germany are in full time ministry now.
Please come by for a visit. We would love to introduce you to our Saviour and help you get to know him and love him more.